Sunday, October 2, 2011

The city howled at the moon as she sat there feeling lifeless, the harsh brightness of the screen drawing her into a whirlwind of thoughts. The kind of thoughts that were never true, but she still perpetuated as a cruel way to lie to herself. She imagined that she had been forgotten by the ones who still understood her. It's not so hard to do when you're depressed, wondering why your friends aren't trying to find you in the same maze they've become lost and alone in. The thoughts become poisons so thick you can feel them crawling into your brain and staining it all a blurred sort of darkness until you've become blind with it. She welcomed them in, knowing they would hurt her. She wanted them to.


  1. Inflicted pain upon ourselves seems like a good idea at times. You used few words to express so much. And yes the ones who truly understand us sometimes tend to forget about us or so we think. I loved it. I really really loved it. :)

  2. True.
    In te end if you are in a depression you longed for a break, wanted to break the habit that makes you unsaid while now you are in a tunnel of bad thoughts and a numb feeling. The pain disappears only numb. sport sport sport sport sport is the only remedy to feel physically a little better and from that new level you can open doors yourself.

  3. we all feel like this at times, but we should endure and fight till the end.

    An amazing blog.

    The PostMan

  4. I really like this part: " She imagined that she had been forgotten by the ones who still understood her. It's not so hard to do when you're depressed, wondering why your friends aren't trying to find you in the same maze they've become lost and alone in. "

    Probably most likely because they're trapped in their own mazes... lol.
