Sunday, December 3, 2017

The moon glows full
not knowing she glows 
brighter than the sun

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Through stumbled words and choked desires,
I call for you, o ghost of pyres.
To light this match and set ablaze
the destinies we've made a maze.

Our ropes and weaves go through and through,
the obstacles for me and you
and to this day, we never touch,
but tell ourselves it's far too much.

So light this twisted web of thoughts,
this laundry list of painful locks.
Burn them 'til they glow no more,
til' ashen white enshrouds the floor.

I'll search for you when it is done,
our molten cores conjoined as one.
And I as you, and you as me,
shall live into eternity.

Monday, March 13, 2017

The Invisible Voice

My dear orator,
your voice hangs upon the air where listening ears
are moved and shaken by what has already settled in me.

How long has it been since the beginning?
Since the time we built this city on the rocks,
and rolled the soil in lines of coke and rum
How long has it been?

You paid me a visit today
with a face that couldn't decide
whether to regret or pity me.
Instead you brought flowers and stared at my tree.

Every gesture is a wish
that life wasn't so determined to finish us all.
And I don't blame you
for what life did to me.

For I was your silent instrument,
your mirror, your machinery,
your knight in denim and a cotton hoodie.

Your dream was my dream.
and dreams only stop at death's door
to say "hello".

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

There's a special place in my heart for you
that's bigger than it really ought to be.
But there is no naysayer, no bulldozer, no act of god
that could convince me to make it smaller